Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Common Table Expression(CTE) in Sql server

The common table expression is one of the new features in sql server 2005. It can be used instead of temp table or table variables in the stored procedures in the circumstances. Let's see CTE with some example queries.


Most of the developers while writing the stored procedures they create the temp tables or table variables. They need some table to store the temporary results in order to manipulate the data in the other tables based on this temp result.

The temp variables will be stored on the tempdb and it needs to be deleted in the tempdb database.

The table variable is best when compare with the temp tables. Because the table variable initially will be there in the memory for the certain limit of size and if the size increase then it will be moved to the temp database. However the scope of the table variable is only up to that program. When compare with table variable the CTE is best. It just store the result set like normal view.

CTE (Common Table Expression):

The CTE is one of the essential features in the sql server 2005.It just store the result as temp result set. It can be access like normal table or view. This is only up to that scope.

The syntax of the CTE is the following.

WITH name (Alias name of the retrieve result set fields)
//Write the sql query here

Here the select statement must be very next to the CTE. The name is mandatory and the argument is an optional. This can be used to give the alias to the retrieve field of the CTE.

CTE 1: Simple CTE

AS(  SELECT ProductID AS [ID],ProductName AS [Name],CategoryID AS[CID],UnitPrice AS [Price]
  FROM Products

Here all the product details like ID, name, category ID and Unit Price will be retrieved and stored as temporary result set in the ProductCTE.

This result set can be retrieved like table or view.

CTE2:Simple CTE with alias 

 ProductCTE(ID,Name,Category,Price)AS(  SELECT ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitPrice
  FROM Products

Here there are four fieds retrieves from the Products and the alias name have given in the arqument to the CTE result set name.

It also accepts like the following as it is in the normal select query.

AS(  SELECT ProductID AS [ID],ProductName AS [Name],CategoryID AS[CID],UnitPrice AS [Price]
  FROM Products

CTE 3: CTE joins with normal table

The result set of the CTE can be joined with any table and also can enforce the relationship with the CTE and other tables.

)SELECT C.CustomerID,C.CompanyName,C.ContactName,C.Address+', '+C.City AS [Address] FROM Customers C INNER JOINOrderCustomer OC ON OC.CustomerID = C.CustomerID

Here the Ordered Customers will be placed in the CTE result set and it will be joined with the Customers details.

CTE 4: Multiple resultsets in the CTE

AS(  SELECT ProductID,SupplierID,CategoryID,UnitPrice,ProductName FROM Products
AS(  SELECT DISTINCT ProductID FROM "Order Details"
)SELECT C1.ProductID,C1.ProductName,C1.SupplierID,C1.CategoryID FROM MyCTE1 C1 INNER JOIN MyCTE2 C2 ONC1.ProductID = C2.ProductID

Here, there are two result sets that will be filtered based on the join condition.

CTE 5: Union statements in the CTE

AS(SELECT ProductID FROM Products WHERE CategoryID = (SELECT CategoryID FROM Categories WHERECategoryName='Condiments')UNION ALL
 ProductID FROM Products WHERE CategoryID = (SELECT CategoryID FROM Categories WHERECategoryName='Seafood')
SELECT OD.ProductID,SUM(OD.UnitPrice*OD.Quantity) AS [Total Sale] FROM "Order Details" OD INNER JOINPartProdCateSale PPCS ON PPCS.ProductID = OD.ProductID

Normally when we combine the many result sets we create table and then insert into that table. But see here, we have combined with the union all and instead of table, here CTE has used.

CTE 6: CTE with identity column

   AS   (      SELECT CustomerID,row_number() OVER (ORDER BY CustomerID) AS iNo FROM


I hope that the CTE will be very useful in the sql server. When we work the web applications the performance must be consider in the both front-end and Back-end. First we must retrieve the result effectively in the back end. Please feel free to post your valuable comments and suggestions about this article.

1 comment:

  1. think of a CTE the same as you would any "inline view" or "derived table" except that they are cited before the SELECT instead of in the FROM clause of a SELECT. Big advantage of CTE's is you can reference them more than once in the same SELECT.

    Big advantage of a Temp table even over CTE's is that, once built, they can be referenced by multiple queries in the same proc... CTE's can only be referenced by the current query they are built for... just like derived tables.
