Monday 28 May 2012


The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view allows you to get information about all tables and views within a database. By default it will show you this information for every single table and view that is in the database.
ExplanationThis view can be called from any of the databases in an instance of SQL Server and will return the results for the data within that particular database.
The columns that this view returns are as follows:
Column nameData typeDescription
TABLE_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Table qualifier.
TABLE_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Name of schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAMEsysnameTable name.
TABLE_TYPEvarchar(10)Type of table. Can be VIEW or BASE TABLE.
(Source: SQL Server 2005 Books Online)

Here is an example of data that was pulled from the AdventureWorks database.  This data was pulled using this query:

To only show a list of tables you would use this query:

To only show a list of only the view you would use this query:

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